Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Momentum is growing! The public is slowly finding out about the unethical use of failed/outdated research that has been used to remove children from innocent families homes!!

Lisa King on the Katie Curic Show

The Katie Curic show today had Lisa King on talking about foster care. There needs to be more concern for misdiagnosis of abuse. The foster care system is messed up and she only highlights foster parents in for the good of the child not those in for the extra money.  LISA KING BELIEVES THAT IT IS HARD TO ABUSE THE FOSTER CARE SYSTEM. Really!!!!!! She should take a look at how the money is used. How foster families use churches and organizations to help clothe the kids  or how WIC is abused. The (real ) parents pay child support.  The ways to abuse the system are many. And those that want to abuse it can find a way.

Plus, as I keep trying to inform all of the consequences of taking a child and putting them into foster care. It is wrong to place a child out of the parents care when the child suffers from a condition that resembles abuse. Especially since medical research exists that can prevent a child from being removed.

Ms. King. If you really care about the children and the PARENTS I challenge you to READ these  LINKS and to research the battle going on in the medical community

Monday, May 26, 2014

Can the mindset of those who support SHAKEN BABY SYNDROME be convinced that it is just a (faulty) tool used with good intentions yet wrought with destructive consequences?

I have been studying and following the history of Shaken baby Syndrome (SBS) for over two years. I have no degree or certifications. What I have gained is common sense and credible knowledge concerning SBS.
First, SBS is a phrase that is used in connection with suspected child abuse. It is based on a triad of injuries connected to the head  / brain and neck. Many people have absorbed the possibility of a way to pin point a way to identify injuries that can be connected to abuse. The mere suspicion of abuse brings up a gauntlet  of support for innocent babies. (
The premise that a court room will filter out and arrive at a fair and just outcome is well basically “ignorant”. Our family court system is really messed up( Our court system in general is flawed. It has turned into more of a chess match where by the object is not so  much justice as it is doing whatever it takes to win. Be it lying, withholding evidence, stalling and so many other  legal loopholes in efforts to conceal facts.
Essentially, my opinion is that yes babies can and will  be  hurt by incompetent caregivers. It is a sad fact. Unfortunately it happens.
But, to ignore competent research in favor of false allegations and prosecution pursued in an attempt to win a case is insane. And needs to STOP! Any case that goes to family court or even criminal court that proposes to remove a child from its parents needs the up most care and sanctity.
So many ignore the mere mention of anything that discredits SBS. My years of experience in life have given me a perspective that simply says.”there is nothing wrong with being ignorant, only in wanting to stay that way”. Even at the risk of removing a child from its loving family. All on a basis  that some doctors and experts have held that the triad of injuries is irrefutable. If its so irrefutable why would well respected doctors with years of experience discount it? Does anyone really believe that there is a conspiracy a foot to protect those that would hurt a child? (
The human instinct to protect innocent babies is a strong advisory against those that only want true justice served. Until those that continue to adhere to outdated medical research,are convinced that not all caregivers are heartless out of control  stress related brutal child abusers, will the tide turn

Thursday, May 15, 2014


The reality of being accused of child abuse has many legs, or branches. Once accused for whatever reason, you will enter a world unlike anything anyone ever prepares for. Especially if falsely accused. The mindset of those in the state depts.(DHS, ,CPS)  that are tasked with protecting children is to do whatever necessary to keep children safe. That conflicts with common sense issues that arise ever so often. For many years medical professionals have wanted to find a sure fire way to distinguish abuse injuries from accidental injuries. This created a problem, in that the research was accepted too fast. It is flawed and inaccurate.
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When case workers make an assumption of child abuse. The wheels start turning and the state digs its feet in to justify their finding of abuse. The stakes are high and the field is not a balanced one. If you are falsely accused you have to deal with many issues at once. Possibly jail, having your children taken away, adjusting your life to now deal with a situation that yesterday was not even in your wildest dreams.  Acquiring  council (if you can afford it), learning that court appointed representation is only a fake reality of representation in court. Trying inexhaustibly to get media attention to your plight ( Only to find that child abuse is too controversial to be covered. It is only news as a headline where abuse can be finger pointed and readers can feel good about hating a child abuser). The state does courtroom proceeding as part of their job structure. They deal with it on a regular basis. The situation is a step by step inncident to them They have council appointed for them ( and they know them) They have immunity from prosecution for just about anything associated with their actions.
 Many will read this and be of the mindset that the state must have just cause to do what they do. Only the few that have experienced the reality of their child having a medical condition that resembles abuse know the obstacles associated with being falsely accused. We are a small group of individuals that because of our experience know the true meaning of "two sides to every story" .
Family court is not something anyone or at least the vast majority of people, ever have any knowledge of. If it was public knowledge, it would be abolished
Judges rule and their objectives are indisputable. Heaven help you if you lose and it was because of unfair tactics, illegal maneuvers ( accepted in family court ie..exculpatory evidence is disregarded, Guilty until proven innocent etc).
Once a case is lost it is done in the eyes of the law. It is unconstitutional beyond belief that truth is held to a standard that even if the trial was misrepresented or judged as a cut and dry abuse, and that must be the only explanation . The medical community is vast and battling research that explains medical conditions that resemble abuse. The courts can not stop and weigh in on that battle. They only see what the prosecutor or defense bring forth as expert testimony. What is a judge to do? The answer appears to be, take the easy route. Rule in favor of the state. Let them do what they do to protect the child. It is a win win for the judge. The consequences of making a wrong ruling are devastating. Its easy to just let it ride in the procedural makings set out by state agencies. On to the next case.
As I write this I know that many will have no reason to doubt the actions of the state, case workers, District Attorneys, C.A.S.A. reps,  medical abuse experts that utilize old research.It is a mission to try to get the general public to understand the in depth reality of child abuse. From the perspective of families that have been falsely accused. Imagine a world without the discovery of DNA. Without it many would still be serving time for crimes they did not commit. The research is available to either convict or prove innocence. However, until the public understands how badly entrenched old ways are screwing innocent families. Messing with  lives that are never the same once violated.
If only one person reads this and grasps the point I am trying to make that is fine. I would however want millions to read it under understand it. It is easier to get Joe public to rally around the plight of an ant hill in the way of a road construction project than to get support for protecting innocent families from having their world demolished and child taken away or worse having to deal with a child fatality.
Read this and get some comment going on how to generate attention to this!