Monday, June 2, 2014

Pushing my Yahoo stories More people need to know what is going on!

The stories I have written on Yahoo contributor are a compilation of what I have experienced during our ordeal with false allegations of child abuse, family court. The arena within the medical community that no one but only a limited amount of  people are privileged to know is taking place.

Please pass on and share these articles with as many friends, doctors and relatives as possible. It is not about money. As I have stated I only receive a VERY VERY small amount of money from Yahoo. Recently I was told that 1.58 was in my Pay Pal account. That was for generating over 1000 views. I have no ideal how to access the money and it will be history if I do not  claim it by June 5th. It as good as gone. No cares. I am happy to know that over 1000 people have viewed  the stories. That however is just a spit in the ocean.

Here are the stories once again. SHARE SHARE SHARE ReBlog or what ever it takes!

1 comment:

  1. Jim I've been reading your articles and quite honestly I am aghast at what your family and this precious baby have gone through! I know this might sound "out there" but have you contacted the Dr. Phil show? He is BIG on finding the truth especially when it comes to accused cases of child abuse. There would be NOTHING more devastating for a family. I'm so sorry your family has been caught up in a system that is broken. I wish you the best and will be keeping you all in my prayers!
