Friday, February 28, 2014

Classic Mertaphyseal Lesions “A Problem”

Here is an example of research concerning CML's . Is it complete? In my opinion NO! 

 Anyone  else concerned that in of 2008 there had been over 150 links associated with Classic Metaphyseal Lesions? Yet most medical abuse experts are undecided or have chosen to ignore newer research allowing for research data which includes infants with metabolic conditions. Most links are reference to articles assuming that CML's are secondary to abuse. A lot of people apparently jumped on being able to utilize CML's as a way to prosecute child abusers. No real effort was done in my opinion to refute the research back then and the court room DA'S ran with it. Abuse experts ran with it. Making them all hero's.  Apparently in court if you are there defending yourself you are always a liar and your defense is just a spoof to get off the hook. Even in the face of over whelming evidence along with experts testifying that what is thought to be abuse could be something else. Better to utilize evidence in the states and DA's favor. They would rather win the case than try and reflect the consequences of separating a child from a loving family. It is a tough call protect an innocent child or make a mistake and let that child return to a harmful home. It still all boils down to the It just requires that experts get it right. THAT'S IT! 

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